As we enter Phase 2 and look back – what was your screen time like in the last few months? A 2017 study showed that Singaporeans spent about 8 hours daily on smartphones, laptops and desktops, but it’s anybody’s guess what those figures look like now!
Inevitably, in Phase 1, meetings, classrooms and even happy hour sessions went online. Apps like Zoom and Crowd Cast, which once connected people separated by distance, are now paving the way for creative event solutions but news outlets are reporting that screen fatigue is becoming more prevalent.
As attention spans shorten, events are also competing for eyeballs. What can we do to keep audiences engaged? Here in Singapore, hosts have been making virtual events more interactive and varying their content. We can even expect hybrid events in Phase 2 as Event Service Professionals look to provide live streaming experiences with high production value. Phase 3 is probably still quite a while away and as much as we love what live streaming technology has done to keep events going, we’re hoping to meet event people in person soon!
Till then stay safe and take care of your mind, body and eyes!